Semi-Commercial investment
Suitable for investors looking to purchase or remortgage a property with a mix of commercial and residential units/tenancies
Owner occupier
Suitable for commercial property owners, operating their own business from the site
Semi-Commercial owner occupier
Suitable for commercial property owners, operating their own business from the commercial site, as well as letting out separate residential parts of the property to tenants
Key product features
- Up to 100% loan-to-value (with additional security)
- Business start-ups considered
- No ERCs or lender fees on selected products
- Loans start at £30,000, with no maximum amount
- Adverse credit considered
- We accept applications from businesses with no trading history, with 1 year projections
- Interest-only finance is available
- No minimum income or maximum age requirements
- No investment experience is required on selected products
- Available for both trading businesses (owner-occupied) and commercial investment
- We consider a range of property types, including offices, hospitality and leisure, industrial or retail units, and many other complex commercial premises
- Investment properties let on short leases and licenses will be considered
- Rates can be linked to bank base rate or fixed in some instances
Properties considered
Here are just a few examples of what constitutes a commercial property for commercial mortgage purposes:
- Shops (including those with flats above)
- Offices
- Warehouses
- Factories
- Workshops
- Garages
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Pubs
As commercial mortgages are used for business purposes, typically, they are suitable for:
- Limited companies, SPVs, LLPs, partnerships and sole traders
- Clients with impaired credit
- Business start-ups
- No minimum income (scenario dependant)
- No previous investment experience (scenario dependant)
- No minimum age (scenario dependant)
From application to completion
Why choose Aria?
Broad lending options
Why choose Aria?
Streamlined finance solutions
Why choose Aria?

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£8.2m Semi-Commercial Refinance
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Read story >>Here are just a few examples of what constitutes a commercial property for commercial mortgage purposes:
\n\n- \n
- Shops (including those with flats above) \n
- Offices \n
- Warehouses \n
- Factories \n
- Workshops \n
- Garages \n
- Hotels \n
- Restaurants \n
- Pubs \n
Different lenders will have their own eligibility checks. They will typically check the borrowers:
\n\n- \n
- Cash flow \n
- Outstanding debts \n
- Projected business income \n
- Ability to pay the deposit and source of funds \n
- Income (full accounts of trading business) credit and assets \n
- 2 year's trading accounts \n
- Last 3 months’ business bank statements \n
- Proof of ID (certified copy of passport or driving licence) \n
- Proof of residency (utility bill or bank statement) \n
Although this will vary between lenders, here are a range of properties which commercial mortgages may suit:
\n\n- \n
- Shops \n
- Offices \n
- Factories \n
- Warehouses \n
- Restaurants \n
- Pubs \n
- B&Bs \n
- Working farms \n
- Mixed usage properties \n
Minimum loan sizes typically start at £20,000 and can range anywhere into and beyond £25 million (subject to criteria). This range will vary between lenders.
\nTypical repayment terms are up to 25 years.
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Commercial Mortgages
Frequently asked questions
What is a Commercial mortgage?
Who can apply for a Commercial mortgage?
Which types of property can a Commercial mortgage be used for?
Here are just a few examples of what constitutes a commercial property for commercial mortgage purposes:
- Shops (including those with flats above)
- Offices
- Warehouses
- Factories
- Workshops
- Garages
- Hotels
- Restaurants
- Pubs
Here are just a few examples of what constitutes a commercial property for commercial mortgage purposes:
- Shops (including those with flats above)
- Offices
- Warehouses
- Factories
- Workshops
- Garages
- ...
What eligibility checks will there be for Commercial mortgages?
Different lenders will have their own eligibility checks. They will typically check the borrowers:
- Cash flow
- Outstanding debts
- Projected business income
- Ability to pay the deposit and source of funds
- Income (full accounts of trading business) credit and assets
- 2 year's trading accounts
- Last 3 months’ business bank statements
- Proof of ID (certified copy of passport or driving licence)
- Proof of residency (utility bill or bank statement)
Different lenders will have their own eligibility checks. They will typically check the borrowers:
- Cash flow
- Outstanding debts
- Projected business income
- Ability to pay the deposit and source of...
What sort of properties can be purchased or refinanced with Commercial mortgages?
Although this will vary between lenders, here are a range of properties which commercial mortgages may suit:
- Shops
- Offices
- Factories
- Warehouses
- Restaurants
- Pubs
- B&Bs
- Working farms
- Mixed usage properties
Although this will vary between lenders, here are a range of properties which commercial mortgages may suit:
- Shops
- Offices
- Factories
- Warehouses
- Restaurants
- Pubs
- B&Bs
- Working farms
- Mixed usage...
How much money can be borrowed with Commercial mortgages?
Minimum loan sizes typically start at £20,000 and can range anywhere into and beyond £25 million (subject to criteria). This range will vary between lenders.
Typical repayment terms are up to 25 years.
Minimum loan sizes typically start at £20,000 and can range anywhere into and beyond £25 million (subject to criteria). This range will vary between lenders.
Typical repayment terms are up to 25...
How much of a deposit do I need for a Commercial mortgage?
How long do applications take to complete for Commercial mortgages?
What is the minimum that can be borrowed using a commercial mortgage?
What is the typical repayment term?
Who holds the title deeds with a commercial mortgage?
How long will an application take to complete?
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